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Party Wall Agreement Template for Loft Conversion

If you`re planning to carry out a loft conversion on your property, it`s important to ensure that you follow the legal requirements of the Party Wall Act 1996. This law requires that you notify your neighbors of the planned work and obtain their consent in the form of a party wall agreement.

While it may seem like a daunting task, obtaining a party wall agreement for your loft conversion is an essential step to ensure that your project is legally compliant and that your relationship with your neighbors remains amicable. To help you with this process, we`ve put together a template for a party wall agreement that you can use for your loft conversion project.


1. Introduction

This agreement is made between [your name], the owner of [your property address] (“the building owner”) and [neighbor`s name], the owner of [neighbor`s property address] (“the adjoining owner”).

2. Purpose of the agreement

The purpose of this agreement is to outline the rights and obligations of both parties in relation to the proposed loft conversion project at [your property address].

3. Notification of works

The building owner hereby gives notice to the adjoining owner of the proposed loft conversion works. The works include [description of works].

4. Consent to works

The adjoining owner consents to the proposed works and acknowledges that they have no objection to the works as described in this agreement.

5. Access to adjoining property

The building owner may require access to the adjoining property to carry out the proposed works. The building owner agrees to provide reasonable notice to the adjoining owner before entering the adjoining property and to ensure that any damage caused during the works is promptly repaired.

6. Structural alterations

The building owner agrees to ensure that any structural alterations necessary for the proposed works are carried out in accordance with best industry practice and conform to local authority building regulations.

7. Costs

The building owner shall be responsible for all costs associated with the proposed works, including the cost of any repairs required to the adjoining property as a result of the works.

8. Indemnity

The building owner indemnifies the adjoining owner against any liability for damage caused to the adjoining property as a result of the proposed works.

9. Dispute resolution

In the event of a dispute arising from this agreement, both parties agree to seek resolution through arbitration or mediation before pursuing legal action.

10. Governing law

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [your country].

11. Signatures

The parties have executed this agreement as of the date first written above.

[Your name] [Neighbor`s name]

[Your signature] [Neighbor`s signature]

By using this party wall agreement template, you can ensure that your loft conversion project is legally compliant and that your relationship with your neighbors remains amicable. Remember, notifying your neighbors and obtaining their consent is an important step in ensuring that your loft conversion project runs smoothly.