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List of Ccdc Contracts

As a professional, I am pleased to provide you with an article on “List of CCDC Contracts.”

The Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) is a national joint committee composed of representatives from the construction industry involved in the development, production, and promotion of Canadian construction documents, including contract forms, guides, and manuals. CCDC contracts are widely recognized as the industry standard for construction project delivery in Canada.

A list of CCDC contracts includes:

1. CCDC 2 – Stipulated Price Contract: This contract is used for construction projects where the contractor agrees to complete the work for a fixed price, including all labour, materials, and equipment. This contract provides a clear understanding of the project scope, schedule, and budget.

2. CCDC 3 – Cost Plus Contract: This contract is used for construction projects where the cost of materials and labour cannot be accurately determined in advance. The owner pays the contractor for all actual costs incurred during the project, plus a percentage markup for overhead and profit.

3. CCDC 5A – Construction Management for Services: This contract is used for construction projects where the owner hires a construction manager to provide project management services, but the owner retains control of the project budget and the selection of contractors.

4. CCDC 5B – Construction Management for Services and Construction: This contract is used for construction projects where the owner hires a construction manager to provide project management services and the construction work. The construction manager acts as the owner’s agent and is responsible for the project’s budget, schedule, and quality.

5. CCDC 9A – Statutory Declaration of Progress Payment Distribution by Contractor: This form is used by contractors on construction projects to declare the percentage of work completed and to request payment for the work performed. This form is required for all CCDC contracts.

6. CCDC 11 – Contractor’s Qualification Statement: This form is used by contractors to provide information about their experience, financial stability, and insurance coverage to potential clients. The form is intended to demonstrate the contractor’s ability to successfully complete a construction project.

In conclusion, a list of CCDC contracts includes a range of documents that are essential for the successful delivery of construction projects in Canada. These contracts provide a clear understanding of the project scope, schedule, and budget, while also protecting the interests of all parties involved. It is recommended that all stakeholders in the construction industry become familiar with these contracts to ensure compliance with industry standards and best practices.